Updating Your content Has Never Been Easier


Shortcodes will be stored with a title and ID in an easy to read table where you will be able to edit, clone, update or delete.

Refresh Schedule
Hourly, Twice Daily, Daily, Every Two Days, Every Three Days, Weekly, Every Two Weeks, Monthly

Load JavaScript
Some content may need javascript enabled to display correctly. Check this box to enable javascript while selecting content.

Load Restricted Image Content
Some images will not load due to cross domain conflicts. Use this feature to load these restricted images. However, it doesn’t work with all server configurations. Use with caution.

Content Preview
See a live preview of your selected content

Format options
Format tables – remove links – add or remove source link

HTML Elements
Strip All, Include All or Include Specific HTML Elements

Inline CSS
You can include inline css for any Live Scrape with an ID…………

include images into your WordPress library

CSS selectors
The ability to edit the CSS selectors

Easy To Use Interfaces

Add Live Scrape

Add New Live Scrape


Content Selector

Live Scrape Shortcodes

Live Scrape Shortcodes

Use for events, ratings, reviews, scores, rankings and so much more!

Makes A Great Additions To Any WordPress Site